
Avp extinction pc igg
Avp extinction pc igg

avp extinction pc igg

It can be upgraded too to gain more Resource and Food Limit. Shrines: The Predator Shrine is used for all the Predator upgrades. The Slaves will use 3 FoodLimit each of them. And they will move automatically to random Positions around your Base. Watch out they have low HP and are very fragile to Ambushes and will die very fast. The more Slaves you build the more Resource you get. But the Main IncomeSource is to build Slaves. Resources: Predator Resource is gained very low from the "Predator Temple" and the Shrines too. Don't forget to protect your Queen though, if she dies its over because only shee can create Eggs. The main Alien Strategy is to mass Units and overwhelm the Enemy with the Mass of them. All Alien Units are meele only, but with some usefull spells. Race Data: Alien Units are very Cheap and instantly produced if the Chestbuster is there.

avp extinction pc igg

Praetorians can be evolved to The Queen, Carriers and the Ravager. Praetorian Chestbursters can be evolved to PredAliens and Praetorians. Normal Chesbursters can be evolved to Drones,Runner and Warriors. They are used to evolve into bigger Aliens. They can't attack and are dead instantly if you don't watch at them. Alien Units: Chestbursters are the Main Alien Unit. Hive Nodeas are also used for all the Alien upgrades and they will shoot a big AccidBall on the Enemys if they come in the near of it. If a Facehugger hugs on something then after a few seconds it dies and a Chestburster is spawned on its Position. They try to Hug automatically on them and every other Enemy Unit which is Levl 1- If they don't do you can do by yourself. Hive Nodes: Alien Hive Nodes Spawn contantly Animals for xour Facehuggers. If she Dies you can't build any more Units until you have a Praetorian and Evolve it to an Queen. She can decide to lay Normal Eggs or Praetorian Eggs which spawns Stronger Units. Eggs: Alien Units are only build by the Queen. The Alien Queen is a second Income Source too.


Resources: Aliens gain Resources by Building Hive Nodes and upgrade them further to gain more.

Avp extinction pc igg